Quarterdeck Releases DESQview/X v. 1.1 DESQview/X to Other X Systems Network Manager v. 1.1 March 17, 1993 Quarterdeck Office Systems has released new versions of DESQview/X and the DESQview/X to Other X Systems Network Manager. These new versions are: - DESQview/X v. 1.1 - DESQview/X to Other X Systems Network Manager v. 1.1. The entire line of DESQview/X products are available through software retailers. The suggested retail prices for these products are: DESQview/X v. 1.1 ........................................$275.00 DESQview/X to Other X Systems Network Manager v. 1.1 .....$200.00 OSF/Motif Window Manager..................................$250.00 OPEN LOOK Window Manager..................................$200.00 NEW FEATURES The new releases feature performance improvements and network enhancements. DESQview/X v. 1.1 offers enhanced support for both NetBIOS and Novell Netware IPX networks. DESQview/X v. 1.1 can also be run on Novell Netware Lite and Lantastic network servers. The DESQview/X to Other X Systems Network Manager v. 1.1 now supports the following networks: -FTP Software, Inc. PC/TCP Release 2.03, 2.05 Patch Level 3 or later -Novell LAN WorkPlace for DOS v. 4.0 or later -Sun Microsystems PC-NFS v. 4.0 or later -Beame & Whiteside Networking Software v. 2.3 or later -Wollongong Pathway TCP/IP version 1.2.2 or later -Hewlett Packard/Microsoft LAN Manager v. 2.1 or later. In addition, registered users of the DESQview/X Network Manager can receive the Novell TCP/IP Transport for DOS, at no charge, direct from Quarterdeck. UPGRADE PRICING/REQUIREMENTS The DESQview/X Upgrade is free to registered users of DESQview/X v. 1.0. A DESQview/X v. 1.0 serial number is required to order the upgrade. The Network Manager Upgrade is free to registered users of the Network Manager v. 1.0. A Network Manager serial number is required to order the upgrade. UPGRADE ORDER INSTRUCTIONS The upgrades can be ordered by phone, fax, mail or e-mail. Send orders to: Quarterdeck 150 Pico Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90405 Phone: 800-354-3222 or 310-314-3222 Fax: 800-354-3329 or 310-314-4219 E-mail: Compuserve: 70743, 2761 Internet: info@qdeck.com Please includes the following information when ordering: Name: Company: Address: City, State, Zip: Country: Daytime Phone Number: DESQview/X v. 1.0 Serial Number: DVX Network Manger Serial Number: Disk Size for Upgrade: PLEASE ALLOW 2 TO 3 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY WITHIN THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES. CONTENTS OF UPGRADES The DESQview/X v. 1.1 upgrade includes a set of new DESQview/X diskettes and a new serial number. The Network Manager v. 1.1 upgrade includes a disk, a new serial number and a "Network Drivers" manual which references the networks which the product supports. The new serial numbers sent with Quarterdeck upgrades are pre-registered in Quarterdeck's customer database, and are printed on a label(s) on the invoice which accompanies the upgrade. The label(s) can be removed and attached to a disk or manual. The current DESQview/X and Network Manager documentation should be kept for reference.